Ants Control

Ants are considered by many to be the number one pest-related issue in the Pakistan. Because of their size, population, and highly evolved social nature, ants are very difficult to control. However, with a little knowledge about the ant’s behavior, one can act to prevent and treat frustrating encounters with these anthropoids in your home.

Types of Ants

Black Garden Ant

Carpenter Ant

Atta (Genus) Ant

Formica Rufa Ant

Common Ant Issues

Many species of ants are harmless; however, many people experience issues with ants when they nest in residential areas. Ants invade homes in search of food and can deface landscaping with mounds and tunnels. Some ants, such as carpenter ants, can even cause structural damage to your home.

Ant Threats

While a few ants may seem harmless, the damage they cause in large numbers can be severe. They can cause structural damage to your home or business, wreak havoc on yards and landscaping features and ruin food items.

Detecting Ants

Ants aren’t very discreet just look for a line of them. They leave an invisible chemical trail of pheromones for their whole crew to follow. Ants will make their way inside for water and food, invading kitchens, bathrooms and closets. Outside, they gather in flower beds and bushes, as well as mounds made from dirt.

Preventing Ants

Stopping ants starts with keeping your home or business clean. Be sure to wash dirty dishes and pet food bowls, take out the trash regularly and quickly wipe up any sugary food spills. Outside, keep wood piles and bushes away from your building to eliminate potential ant homes with easy entry points.

How Do I Get Rid Of Ants?

TermaXSolutions provides home improvement stores sell chemicals that kill ants, but those are only the ants you see. There are hundreds of thousands of ants in the colony that cannot be reached using these products. Ants do not get lost, if you see one in your house, you can be sure that there are thousands more waiting and hiding.

Permanently Say good-bye to Ants

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